Acceleration of Benefits Realization to GMROI
According to many industry experts, many retailers and their vendors now face, and will continue to face during the 2020 Contingency recovery and even beyond, some challenging threats, from shifting sales trends and seasonality, changing customer behavior and supply chain instability to financial limitations to cover operational expenses and unplanned investment. But they also have significant strengths, which these retailers and their vendors, working in collaboration, can leverage to overcome those challenges faster and more effectively!
To be part of the solution, we are now preparing an Acceleration of Benefits Realization to GMROI program to help you overcome those threats faster and more effectively, and help retailers achieve that in close collaboration to their vendors, by leveraging state of the art but clearly focused Technologies and Data Science algorithms and services, in a manner that is achievable under limited investment scenarios. In this summary, we outline the main fundamentals and basics of this.
The following are some of the main challenges we have identified retailers and their vendors face, where we can help!

Sales shift adds more uncertainty
Uncertainty on predicting sales trend and seasonality, which are now shifting from what used to be in previous months and even previous years, making it more difficult to anticipate demand and inventory needs and prepare for proper product availability and purchases.
Lack of ability to quickly detect rapid shifts in products demand, which is now happening more often than ever, leading to lost sales due to increased demand causing increased out of stocks, but also decreased demand causing over stocks.
Low sales caused by having less customers visiting the stores.
Lower sales transactions due to lower customer's purchase power, leading to smaller average ticket.
Uncertainty on changing customer's purchase behaviors and purchase frequencies, making it harder to redesign promotion strategies and planograms that meet the new customer needs.
Supply Chain threats
Long or uncertain vendor lead times.
Inventory shortages across the supply chain, on both the retailers locations and their vendors.
But they also have some valuable strengths that will help them overcome these challenges.